ALAI European Author’s Right Award – Registratie open!


In the spirit of inspiring the next generation of Intellectual Property experts, ALAI, with the support of GESAC, have launched an annual award for students : The annual award is given to the writer of the best essay relating to authors’ right. The essay should have a European dimension and include elements related to the collective management of authors’ right.


Following the success of the 5h edition of the ALAI European Authors’ Right Award, supported by GESACwe are pleased to announce that the 6th edition of the Award has been launched!

Are you a law student currently studying or researching authors’ right/copyright? If so, we encourage you to apply for the 6th edition of the ALAI European Authors’ Right Award – supported by GESAC!

The prize, which amounts €2,000 to the winner and €1,000 to the second winner (if awarded), is awarded annually to the best essay related to authors’ rights/copyright with a European dimension.

The candidates must be under the age of 35, students/researcher (see full eligibility criteria), and they must send a one-page summary of the essay before 15 November 2023. The short-listed candidates will have to send their essays before 15 February 2024. The winner will be announced in the first week of April 2024.

=>Full eligibility criteria and prize details (French version).
=> Application form (French version).

When applying, make sure not to forget to fill out the –> application form, which we kindly ask you to attach to the essay abstract and send to by 15 November 2023 at the latest. It is available in both English and French.

The jury for the 2024 edition of the award is chaired by Professor Frank Gotzen, President of ALAI and is comprised of two ALAI representatives:
 Paul Torremans, Professor of Intellectual Property Law, University of Nottingham
• Raquel Xalabarder, Catedràtica de Propietat Intel·lectual, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and two representatives of GESAC:
• Caroline Bonin, Head of Legal Affairs, SACEM
• Gábor Faludi, outside Counsel for Artisjus, Associate Professor ELTE Law School Civil Law Department

Questions, application forms, abstracts, and essays are to be sent to:


  • First edition of the ALAI Award (2019)

Dr Hannes Henke won the 2019 ALAI European Authors’ Right Award for his essay “E-books in German and European copyright law: backgrounds-contrasts-effects”.

Read more about the first edition of the ALAI Award here.

  • Second edition of the ALAI Award (2020)

The ALAI Award 2020 went to Mr Thomas Verborgh for his essay titled “Multi-territorial licensing of rights in music for online use and early evaluation”.

Watch the interview with Mr Verborgh and learn more about the winner and his work’s findings.

  • Third edition of the ALAI Award (2021)

Mr Seun Lari-Williams won the third edition of the ALAI European Authors’ Right Award for his essay “Bridging the Value Gap Between Content Creators and Digital Media Platforms: A Case Study of YouTube”. The winning essay is as well available in both French and English in the La Revue Internationale du Droit d’Auteur, online and in print!

To listen to ALAI European Authors’ Right Award winner Seun Lari-Williams talking about his essay’s findings, as well his background practicing law in his native Nigeria and how the pandemic has affected the country’s creative economy click here.

  • Fourth edition of the ALAI Award (2022)

Ms. Andrée Glancia Madinda received the fourth edition of the ALAI European Authors’ Right Award for her essay “L’exception de fouille de textes et de données dans la directive DAMUN : avis de tempête sur le droit d’auteur”(“The text and data mining exception in the Directive on copyright in the digital single market: a stormy outlook for author’s rights”).

The essay is available in French here, and in English here.

Watch the interview (click here) with Ms. Madinda and learn more about her work’s findings.

  • Fifth edition of the ALAI Award (2022)

Javier Fernández-Lasquetty Martín was awarded the ALAI European Authors’ Right Award for his essay Two models of rights management in digital journalism“.

Read the winning essay here (for the time being, only available in English) and watch the interview with Mr. Fernández-Lasquetty Martín